The readings from the Holy Bible, the Gospel passage and the sermons reflected the theme of gratitude and thankfulness. Another academic year was fast approaching its end. It was with heartfelt gratitude that the Management, staff and students of SJBHS offered praise and worship to the Almighty on 17 February 2023.

The academic year 2022-2023 was a challenging one as it was an emergence from the pandemic lockdown, a reset from online to offline teaching and a resurgence from uncertainties to the new normal. However, the curricular and co-curricular activities at the school resumed and attained full potential – all through the grace and blessings of the Almighty.

There were two Thanksgiving Masses offered on 17 th for grades 5-12 and the other for grades 1-4. One Mass was celebrated by Fr Uday Kumar, a Salesian priest while the other by Fr Maxim Dias, a Jesuit priest. Through stories, anecdotes and analogies, both fathers preached the idea of giving, thanksgiving and belief in the omnipresent God. They encouraged the students to adopt a selfless attitude, thus putting the needs of the other before their own. The students offered stationery to be sent to the twinning schools at Manvi and Pannur. This step, in the right direction, showed the dedication of the students towards the not-so-fortunate children of the society and also threw light on the initiation of the young students to the problems of the society in which they live.

The Thanksgiving Mass concluded the events of the school calendar and asked for God’s blessings on the students as they were preparing for their final examinations.