“Style is a reflection of your attitude and personality.” - Shawn Ashmore

Personality Development/ Spiritual Renewal - 2016

A true Josephite is a multi-dimensional entity with a multi-faceted personality, armed with an attitude to face the challenges of this competitive world. What makes this possible are the social skills, physical and spiritual exercises and most of all the moral support given by the management and staff of SJBHS at every level of a students’ developing years.

The recently concluded series of personality development courses for the Non-Catholic Students and the Spiritual Renewal Sessions for the Catholic Students of Std. VII, VIII and IX bear testimony to the onus that the school shoulders in order to churn out well- balanced individuals into a society plagued by free access to social media. A student is much perturbed as everything he sees and hears seems authentic but what the teaching and the on-going programmes at SJBHS gives a student is the ability for the developmental part of the brain to decipher truth from falsehood, right from wrong and facts from fiction.

The sessions held through the second week of November, for the students of Classes VII, VIII and IX, inculcated moral values, reinforced the ethos of Indian society and brought to the fore the prime quality of ‘Humanity’ which is a must for every Josephite, as he takes small steps into this materialistic world!