Special Assembly For The Outgoing

Nostalgia and wistfulness mixed with gratitude and appreciation marked 19th of January, 2017 - the last day of school for the students of Stds.10 & 12.

Regular school Assembly, with its ritual flag hoisting and singing of the school song was made all the more poignant with the prayer beseeching the Almighty’s blessings on the management, staff and students of SJBHS.

Songs, dances, speeches and poems showed the wide talent which expressed the heartfelt gratitude and underlying sadness of the students, as they came to terms with leaving the sheltered portals of their school as they made their way into the wider world.

Fr. Clifford Sequeira, SJ, quoted the Olympian swimmer, Michael Phelps, to reiterate that as the students make their way into the world, ‘there is no limit to anything because the more you dream, the farther you get’.

Fr. Principal advised the students to face challenges and obstacles with unquestionable trust in God, faith in the power of hope and belief in the school motto ‘Faith and Toil’. He also reminded the students of the secular outlook that SJBHS has always strived to preserve and so each individual must stand for peace, fair play and tolerance.

Fr. Clifford formally invited the students, who were already inducted into the elite OBA, to visit SJBHS as often as possible. The Vote of Thanks and the National Anthem brought to a close the special solemn assembly by the graduating batch of 2017.