Annual Athletic Meet - 2016

After a serious tussle with unfavorable weather, St. Joseph’s Boys High School was able to play host to Senior School Sports Day on the 3rd of September, 2016 as scheduled. On that morning, all the Josephites and their parents gathered under the decked up canopies, awaiting the commencement of this big event.

The Chief Guest for the Opening Ceremony, Mr. M.P Ganesh - an Olympic medalist and former director of the Sports Authority of India - was escorted by the Principal Rev.Fr. Clifford Sequeira SJ, Vice-Principal Mrs. Miriam Angelo and the Rector Rev. Fr. Anthony Joseph SJ and Rev. Fr. Robert Rodrigues, Primary School Administrator, to the dais.

The school flag was then unfurled and fluttered in the air as the Chief Guest took his place on the saluting dais as the marching contingents of the four houses - St. Andrews, St. David’s, St. Georges and St. Patrick’s, the NCC and Scouts – went smartly past.

Our Principal, Fr. Clifford Sequeira SJ introduced the Chief Guest and welcomed all present to the Annual Athletic Meet 2016. The Rector, Fr. Anthony Joseph SJ in his speech shed theological wisdom on how sports bring athletes face-to-face with the Creator and that every athlete must participate not to win but to play like gentlemen. Mr. MP Ganesh reminded the athletes of the superwomen at the Olympics, and how we too must put our sweat and blood in whatever we do in order to reach greatness. At the end of his address he declared the Meet open.

The torch which was carried by the Captain and Vice Captains of the four houses, went in a procession around the field and the cauldron was finally lit. This flame personifies the team spirit and unity of athletics, and also embodies fair play. The distribution of certificates and medals for the events that had already been completed, and the vote of thanks marked the end of the first half of the Senior Athletic Meet. Everyone was keenly awaiting the commencement of the competitive races.

The second half of the Meet was graced by none other than Dr. Vece Paes, Old Boy and sports consultant at BCCI. The impeccable drill displays by the students from Stds 7 to 10 were enjoyed by all, especially the traditional Club Swinging of Stds 9 & 10.

The Chief Guest spoke on the pursuit of sports as a profession, and also brought to mind the vigor that propelled his son, Leander Paes, to achieve his current status. The Senior Athletic Meet came to a close with the final March Past, distribution of the prestigious cups and trophies, the vote of thanks representing the gratitude to the Eternal God and all those involved in making another Sports Day a glorious success.

As the school flag was handed over to the Principal until the next coming sports day, the students of Stds 10 & 12 were nostalgic, tears welling up as they grasped the few fleeting moments of their last Sports Day.

The inaugural issue of a Sports Day special tabloid – Sports Day @ SJBHS – on which a group of enthusiastic students of Std 12 had spent time and effort, gave an added edge to this annual meet. It captured the essence of sports in SJBHS with well written articles and candid pictures, and was well received.
By Mark Sequeira 12B