CHILGALA is Success!

Children need opportunities to explore a variety of experiences and interests. Art, music, language and science develop the complex and integrated human brain. Keeping this in mind, St Joseph’s Boys’ High School hosted a winter fest – ‘CHILGALA’ – for the children of Primary school, from the 13th to 27th November, 2017. The first of its kind 15 day fest saw nearly 500 student participants.

‘CHILGALA’, as Fr Robert Clement Rodrigues SJ, Administrator of the Primary Section explains, is a combination of the words ‘children’ and ‘gala’ or celebration. The fest was designed to showcase creative potential in the process of learning and exploring new ideas. It was an invigorating, non-stop entertainment program that encouraged creativity and confidence.

The fest began with a colourful fancy dress competition and offered a wide variety of other activities such as Drawing, Recitation, Show and Tell, Wealth out of Waste, Singing, Creative Writing, Elocution, Story Telling, Pick and Speak, Dance, and Fancy Dress. The various competitions revolved around the themes of patriotism, games, resuse/recycle/repair and reduce - in tune with the purpose of the ecosystem and our role in the intricate fabric of society.

The Little Josephite Science Expo – an amalgamation of a model making competition and exhibition - encouraged the learning of scientific concepts. A total of 282 models from Stds 1 to 4 registered and after two rounds of elimination, the organizers chose the winners and gave certificates for participation to the others.

The topics selected by the students reflected their knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astrophysics, Biochemistry and the Health Sciences to name just a few. From rockets to solar food warmers, from animal shelters to a balanced diet and from the solar system to simple machines, the models competed with each other in terms of innovation and aesthetics. The school was bustling with energy, innovative models and exhibits, awakening young and older minds alike.