Pre-Primary Annual Day 2017

The youngest in the Josephite family had their day in the sun – the Annual Day for the Pre Primary section held on 23rd January 2017. Sharing the excitement of the children, were their proud and excited parents and families who filled the school auditorium.

The Chief Guest for the morning, Mr. George Ollapally, Vice-President of the OBA, the Guest of Honour Mrs. Susan Ollapally, Rector of St. Joseph’s Institutions Rev. Fr. Anthony Joseph SJ, Former Principal of SJBHS Rev. Fr. Hedwig da Costa SJ, Secretary of the OBA Mr. Brian D’ Lima and Secretary of the PTA Mrs. Reena Pereira were escorted by our Principal Rev. Fr. Clifford Sequeira SJ, Vice Principal Mrs. Miriam Angelo, Administrator Primary School Rev. Fr. Robert Rodrigues SJ and Primary Coordinator Mrs. Nalini Gupta.

In the evening’s programme, Dr. Rahul Sima, General Surgeon at St. John’s Hospital was the Chief Guest and Rev. Fr. Hedwig da Costa SJ was the Guest of Honour.

Butterflies, flowers and stars decorated the backdrop while balloons and strobe lights transformed the auditorium into a magical world. The Annual Day programme, as with all programmes at SJBHS, began with a prayer, Invocation Dance and Lighting of the Lamp. The Annual Report which followed showcased the eventful year gone by, a tribute not just to the tiny tots but their enthusiastic teachers who managed to pack so much into the year!

Rev. Fr. Robert Rodrigues, welcomed the gathering, introduced the dignitaries and stressed on the Jesuit ethos of ‘Magis’ and ‘Fide et Labore’ - striving for greater excellence through innovation, toil and faith in God.

The Chief Guests, being Old Boys, were all praise for their Alma Mater, advised the parents to make use of all the facilities provided by the school and to give back to the diverse Josephite society of one nation.

The Rector, Rev. Fr. Anthony Joseph SJ, while thanking the staff of SJBHS for their love, care, protection and guidance to the students, asked the parents to collaborate with the school to maintain the health, happiness and harmony of the SJBHS environment and thanked each one for their understanding, forbearance and conviction that the school will do only what is best for a Josephite.

The cultural programme with its variety of dances, songs, music and drama, the musical portrayal of the World of Nature, the Solar System and Cultures of the World as well as the Kannada Musical Drama were a big hit. The months of planning and practice finally culminated in a day of undiluted fun, pure joy and untrammeled happiness for the students, their parents and the teachers as one more event in the SJBHS calendar came to a close.