Parenting Sessions

Challenges of Getting Back to School

As children head back to school after the pandemic, parents and teachers have to know how to deal with several behavioural changes affectingthem.

• Restlessness in class
• Learning gaps
• Lack of routine
• Inadequate social interaction
• Addiction to gadgets
• No physical exercise
• Inability to focus for long periods

Our founder, St Ignatius of Loyola’s vision of ‘CuraPersonalis’ or Care for the Person, guides and shapes school policy in all aspects of school life.

We organised several webinars with expert speakers to deal with this topic and created a helpline with experienced Counsellors to speak to any family member in need of help. This included grief counselling as well. In a gesture, which was hugely appreciated by parents, teachers of every class from LKG to Std 12 spoke individually to the families of children belonging to their class and enquired about their well-being.

Another initiative which the School has been undertaking even before the pandemic is Positive Parenting. It is an attempt to build a bridge between home and school, between parents and teachers keeping the wellness of the child in mind. A session is held for each class of the School, from LKG to Std12. Each is specially designed to cater to the issues which concern that particular age group. Parents of that particular class attend the one-hour session on the designated date. The four full time Counsellors of School along with a senior teacher address the parents. They discuss the concerns of the parents, share their counselling experiences and offer help in different spheres. They also share the collective inputs of all the teachers of that class with the parents.

Going by the feedback from parents, both oral and written, the parenting sessions have been a huge success. Parents have termed it an eye opener and are grateful for all the tips and support given by the School. It is no wonder that the School finds itself ranked very high both at the State and National levels in annual school surveys year after year.