The OBA Buzz 2022 was held between August 01-05 after a hiatus of 3 years. A big thanks to all the Old Boys & Old Girls who gave their time to come help judge the events and conduct them, and past patrons of the event.

This is a much awaited event and Josephites down the years look forward to it. Our OBA Buzz team was chaired by Gavin Cordeiro and members of the OBA MC (together with the House Mentors, coordinators, captainsand vice-captains). They spent a month and more conducting trials and training leading up to the final week of the OBA Buzz.

Our goal is to give many students a chance to participate in a free and fair manner and have fun while spotting, grooming and encouraging cultural talent and taking care to not disrupt the regular class schedules.

280+ kids Quiz
150+ Debates
200+ Personality Aircrash
100+ Mad Ads
50-100+ Dramatics
120+ creative writing
100+ Dumb Charades
25+ Certificate Designing

A hitherto unmatched numbers of students took part. About 200 students entered the final rounds this week across grades 7-12 with 8 major events that were conducted as a potpourri of events to accommodate them in the 5 days scheduling while retaining the essence of the Buzz.

Deccan Herald, Udani Opticians, Krispy Kreme, Vee Bake and a parent who donated Diaries, Pens & Paper for Paper Day Aug 01 deserve special mention as donors, as also 4 Old Boys who are ongoing corpus donors to the OBA Buzz and helped us generate cash prizes for the event and gift coupons.

The OBA MC 2021-2022 has installed a Rolling Trophy this year onwards for the OBA Buzz in addition to the above. The winners for OBA Buzz 2022 are St. George’s House (99 points); St David’s (65 points) finished second; St Andrew’s and St Patrick’s tied third (62points).

Best performances in each category were calculated using a scoring index, allotting percentage points as per numbers taking part in team events plus individual points scored.

Grade 7/8 : Advik Nathan Rodrigues VII C St. Georges (13.33 points)
Grade 9/10 : Aston D’Souza X A St. David’s (6.33 points)
Grade 11/12 : KsheirajHarishankar XII C St. Andrew’s (8.33 points)

The OBA has also committed to engaging the students and teachers going forward with regular workshops and seminars around the year and warmly applaud the students and thank Fr Principal, Vice Principal & Robin Colaco for their staunch support and all the Co-ordinators and support staff who helped with all the arrangements over the 5 days.