Juniors Annual Athletic Meet 2018

SJBHS is celebrating 160 glorious years in the field of holistic education and the Junior Athletic Meet held on the 30th of August, 2018 saw the field ablaze with colour as the juniors marched past the Chief Guest Mr. Anup Sridhar, Olympian (Badminton) and Old Boy, the Guest of Honour, Rector of St. Joseph’s Institutions, Rev Fr Brian Pereira SJ, Former Principal of SJBHS Rev Fr Hedwig Da Costa SJ, our Principal Rev Fr Clifford Sequeira SJ, Vice Principal of SJBHS Mr. Uday Kumar, Primary School Administrator Rev Fr Alwyn D’Souza, OBA President Mr. George Ollapally and the Joint Secretary of the PTA Mr. Anthony Pravin.

The Rector addressed the staff, parents and well wishers as collaborators in training the young ones and glorified the upliftment of the sporting culture of the school. The Chief Guest said that he may have many achievements to his credit but the foremost was being a Josephite, for which he is ever proud. He asked the athletes not to be content with the present but to continuously strive towards greater glory. Pigeons were released symbolizing peace, the balloons in the four house colours signified the competition among the houses and the blazing cauldron, which was lit from the torch, implied brotherhood and fair play. The oath taking ceremony sealed the intent and purpose of the games.

The mass drill displays had the audience in raptures. The tiny tots of LKG showed the onlookers the need to be happy through their ‘Smiley-Faced Drill’, the UKG students waved their blue and white pennants to the roll of the drums, the Josephites of Std 1 and 2 impressed the chief guest with their display of several Badminton serves and volleys while the students of Std 3 filled the air with colourful inflatables after their ‘Balloon Drill’.

The line-up of athletes made a dash for the finishing line as parents, grandparents and relatives cheered on. It was a day for competitiveness, competence and confidence as the Prize Distribution Ceremony lauded the winners, bringing to a close one more of the many red-lettered days at SJBHS!

The races then began, and the field was a riot of colour and excitement. The athletes vied for the championship not just for themselves but also for their houses.