Join the Air Force!

SJBHS Alumni

On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, three of our prestigious school's respected alumni - Wing Commander Samit, Wing Commander Francis, and Mr George from the Batch of ‘68 visited the campus.

The occasion was the promotion of the IAF (Indian Air Force) among the youth of SJBHS. Another cherry on this pie was the arrival of an official IAF publicity and simulation bus to introduce the students to the world of aircraft, their types, and the way to fly them.

Later on in the day, Wing Commander Samit had a session with the students of Classes 9 and 10. The eye-catching videos he had presented, his introduction to a career in the IAF, prominent points like his excellent 3500+ flying hours, his passion for sports, etc. were mentioned.

Later, he explained why one should join the IAF -- the opportunity to live a life of thrill and adventure, to travel far and wide, be a hero of the future, and most importantly, to serve our motherland with utmost diligence.

We were briefed on what is required to be a part of the IAF - Passion, Courage, Integrity, and Undying Determination. Subsequently, he explained the aspects of IAF, bringing forth an environment beyond the valiant flying, which includes sectors like logistics, medicals, meteorology, administration, technical work, etc. He then dove deep into the branches of all these aspects. Ultimately, to wrap things up Wing Commander Samit narrated a few valuable life lessons that one learns from joining Indian defence forces.

Undoubtedly, this day's experience was certainly something that will be cherished and inspiring for the growth of many careers.

Sanath Kothari
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