"Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; His love endures forever."

Inter religious prayer service

Thanking God for his gifts spreads happiness that pervades every part of our lives. A simple ‘thank you’ to Him can do wonders as He is the wind in our sails and the wing in our flight.

St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School observed an inter-religious prayer service on the 19th of February to thank God for His divine grace showered upon us throughout this year. The Chief Guest for the day was Fr. Joy, a well-known priest who is director of Snehadaan, a shelter for HIV infected children.

The event began with the lighting of the lamp of thanksgiving by Rev. Fr. Joy, our respected Principal Rev. Fr. Clifford Sequeira S.J., the Vice Principals Mrs. Miriam Angelo and Rev. Fr. Sunil Fernandes, S.J. and the representatives of the students and support staff. Through readings from various scriptures, hymns and bhajans, the students expressed their gratitude to God for all His blessings bestowed upon them throughout the academic year.

Fr. Joy then addressed the audience. His speech about the importance of thanking everyone who is an integral part of our life motivated each one of us to be grateful and never take anything for granted. According to him, everything we have is a gift of God. Hence, we should always be thankful for what we have. The essence of his words rightly was: “Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more.”