FUNDAY (September)

A Healthy Lifestyle

'Exercise is king, nutrition is queen, put them together and you've got a kingdom.'
This saying sums up the theme for Fun Day for Sept.
The ever–creative teachers of the Pre-Primary department decided to put across to the little ones when they planned to have ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ as the topic for their Fun day for the month of September. Held on 7 September 2022, the day was productive, informative and most certainly innovative! Right from getting up early in the morning to drinking plenty of clean boiled water to exercising to eating food rich in protein and vitamins; the students spoke about everything with great confidence thereby proving themselves to be true Josephites.
The little ones, adorned with bright and colourful charts around their necks, visited each of the LKG and UKG classes and spoke about how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The efforts of the parents, in making those creative charts on healthy lifestyle, deserves high appreciation. Thus, it was not only a fun filled day but also a fruitful day as there was plenty to take away home not only for the little Josephites but also for the teachers who planned such a healthy Fun day for their dear students!