Fire Safety Drill

Keeping Safe During Fires

Karnataka Fire and Emergency Services Academy conducted a camp which included two- days’ training and hands-on experience in fire safety. This camp, held in the school premises, was attended by SJBHS teachers, admin and support staff on 10 and 11 October, 2022.

Developing and implementing fire safety protocols in the workplace is not only required by law but it is crucial for everyone's safety. Fire safety training educates the personnel to follow a set of practices and procedures to minimize the destruction caused by fire hazards. The skill and knowledge acquired through these training sessions equip the learners to combat fire in any unanticipated fire out-break. Fire safety reduces the risk of injury and damages to building that fires are sure to cause. The training was conducted by people who were experienced fire-fighters. The training included the evacuation, classification, and extinguishing fires with different extinguishers.

The drill was interesting and very easy to grasp making it clear that presence of mind at ground zero, the ability to recall the safety protocols and the first aid measures imbibed through the training could decide between life and death; destruction and salvaging as well as precaution and carelessness. We surely do not wish harm to come our way but it is the SJBHS way of equipping the staff with handy measures that will stand them in good stead!