ISC SEEF (Sustainable Environmental Education Foundation) Field Trip

Witnessing First-hand Sustainability Initiatives

On September 8 th , an educational field trip to Mrs. Marianne and Mr. Gregory Nazereth's farmhouse was organised by the OBA for the ISC SEEF Team (Sustainable Environmental Education Foundation). The students were happily welcomed by Mr. Nazareth, who is an old boy of our school and Mrs. Nazareth, who was a teacher in St Joseph’s University (then SJC)

Students were given the opportunity to explore the farm, interact with the owners and learn about the sustainable methods implemented in the farm. The field trip was conducted by Mr Vijay Nazareth from SJBHS OBA.

SJBHS students had also prepared an interactive presentation for the students of Christel House.
There were 6 project presentations on the following topics:
● Organic Gardening
● Composting
● Rainwater Harvesting
● Nutrition
● Menstruation
● Solar Dryer.

The 6 teams from SJBHS presented their respective topics, their importance, methods of implementation and their project's role in the farm, to the students of Christel House. It was an insightful session, where many sustainability-oriented ideas were shared.

During lunch, the SEEF Nutrition team prepared a dish for the students. Post Lunch, the Organic Gardening team demonstrated a soil sample and determined the soil's mineral levels. The students also witnessed the composting pit and the rainwater harvesting system. We also had a feedback session with the Christel House students where they appreciated our presentation and concurred with the sustainability initiatives.

Students from SJBHS and Christel House learnt a lot from each other and enjoyed their time together. After the presentations and the live depictions, all the students interacted among themselves and toured the 2-acre farm. They also played a few games before dispersal.

It was an interesting, informative and impressive experience for everyone. Mr Gregory and Mrs Marianne Nazareth, who are also a part of SEEF, gave their best wishes to all the young learners.

Siddharth Kothari 11B and Himmel Lourdes Arun 11 C