War-Memorial Service

War memorials around the globe honour war-time heroes who have laid down their lives in the line of duty. However, a war memorial in a school, standing testimony to the contributions and sacrifices of the brave hearts through 165 years of glorious school history, is indeed rare!

In keeping with the tradition of the school, a war- memorial service and a wreath laying ceremony is held each year on the Old Boys’ Association Day. Honour, respect and glory is bestowed on all the soldiers who had their formative education at SJBHS.

The 01st of July 2022 was an exceptionally special day for the members of the SJBHS family. It was a unique event where the Indian Air Force, the OBA and SJBHS came together to commemorate the lives and supreme sacrifices of two war heroes: Flight Lieutenant Babul Guha from 1 Squadron IAF and Flight Lieutenant Krishna Kumar Mohan from 26 Squadron IAF.

An air of solemnity pervaded the premises of the school. All senses were appeased: the melodious voices of the students, the tunes played by the Indian Air Force Band, the school song sung, so beautifully, the accounts of the lives of these two great heroes narrated with vivid details, the impeccable parading of the NCC cadets, the presence of uniformed personnel in immaculate attire, everything tugged at our heart strings and made us swell with a sense of immense pride.

The ceremony was graced by Justice Arindam Sinha, High Court of Odisha and Air Marshal Manavendra Singh, PVSM AVSM VrC ADC, Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Head Quarter Training Command, other dignitaries, family members of our two war heroes, and renowned personalities.

The programme commenced with the customary lighting of the lamp followed by a brief prayer service. An array of speeches by varied presenters spoke volumes of the illustrious lives and the immortal sacrifices made by our war heroes.

These descriptions of the lives of Flight Lieutenant Babul Guha and Flight Lieutenant Krishna Kumar Mohan, narrated so lucidly by their comrades and family members, have undoubtedly inspired our students who sat in stunned silence and awe throughout the programme.

The plaque with the details of these ‘Bravehearts’ was unveiled by the dignitaries. They, then, led the way to the war memorial where several wreaths were laid in honour of all our fallen heroes who live on. Two minutes of silence was observed to glorify all our soldiers who gave their today for our tomorrow. Their names are not just etched on stone but are engraved on our minds and hearts. We will, forever, be grateful to them for their profound sacrifices. They will truly be ‘UNFORGOTTEN’!

The programme culminated with the congregation paying their tributes at the war memorial. Students went home with snack boxes and a lot of food for thought. Camaraderie flourished as the guests spent time with each other over coffee and snacks.

The first of July 2022 will go down in the history of SJBHS as yet another memorable day! More laurels to SJBHS and greater pride to India in the years to come. Jai Hind!