Science and Technology Fest Opens!

Transcendence 2024 was conducted on the 28th and 29th of June with all the grandeur one would expect at the most awaited science fest of the year. With over 700 participants from institutions across Bengaluru, Transcendence 2024 has reawakened a spirit of science and innovation in multitudes.

The talent of Josephites manifested in the form of mesmerising dance performances and euphonious singing after which the audience was further immersed into the Transcendence experience upon unveiling the enigmatic trailer, garnering a loud applause.

Our chief guest this year was Dr Dipankar Banerjee, an esteemed scientist in the field of metallurgy and a Padma Shri awardee. His address was truly one to draw inspiration from as the scientist spoke of the need of science to be practical and used wisely. Dr Banerjee left us with was the fact that there are no absolute truths in science since a theory, an idea or even a well-established fact is subject to refutation and change. The idea of morals, ethics, and responsibility within the use of science and technology was also instilled in the audience.

With 11 enthralling events, Transcendence 2024 made for an engaging experience for all those participating. These events were deeply rooted in the various realms of science — psychology, robotics, coding, problem solving, and many more. The spirits were high and so were the stakes.

The closing ceremony was the perfect conclusion to a couple of days chock full of pure energy. It started with a serene prayer song followed by a buzzing after movie, flipping the energy of the room completely and followed by announcement videos for successive events and fests.

Winners of all events were awarded with a gleaming Transcendence trophy and prizes. Transcendence 2024 was a resounding success, with its memories etched in our hearts for the years to come.

Priyamvada Choudhary