St. Andrew’s House

The patron saint of Scotland, he was one of Jesus' twelve disciples, brother of Simon Peter. He worked as a fisherman in Galilee (modern day Israel). St Andrew like Jesus, was crucified for his Christian beliefs and died a martyr. He was said to have been crucified on a X- shaped cross of 'saltire'. This was at his own request as he had stated he was not worthy of being crucified the same way as Jesus. This is what has now become known as the St Andrew's cross.

The other strong emblem of Scotland is a thistle. As legend goes, some Scots were sleeping in a field when bloodthirsty Vikings crept up to attack them. One of the Vikings stood barefoot on a thistle, the barbed prickles sent a shooting pain up his body and caused him to yell out. This woke the Scots and allowed them time to fight off the Vikings.

In Scotland St Andrew’s day is celebrated with traditional Celtic folk music including bag – pipes and dancing.

In Scotland St Andrew’s day is celebrated with traditional Celtic folk music including bag – pipes and dancing.