Pre-Primary Chilgala 2022

A Festival of Joy!

Chilgala, is the SJBHS Children’s Fest. Conducted this year from 7 to 10 November, the week-long fun fiesta was a prelude to Children’s Day celebration and helped the young ones to showcase their talents, express themselves and lose their inhibitions.

The event began with the unique art of Shadowgraphy which involves creating wide variety of creatures with just a pair of hands and a circle of light. This show was conducted by three siblings who are better known as ‘Psychic Siblings’ who, through their art, have mesmerized people by giving life to shadows. The children were enthralled to see the act and even tried to create some creatures with their fingers. It was then followed by a ‘Magic Show ‘which left the little ones amused. The two competitions ‘Claytopia’ and ‘Rising Star’ brought out the hidden talents of the little Josephites.

There was participation in large numbers and it displayed the enthusiasm of the parents who are as competitive as their wards. The festival of joy didn’t stop here; there was much more to it!

An ‘Entertainment Show’ followed by a ‘Story Telling ‘session was another added attraction to this week-long fiesta. The students were held spell-bound by the gimmicks of a clown, who, apart from making the little ones laugh, taught them the lesson of being true and good by means of storytelling, puppetry, a skit and songs.

Thus, this year’s edition of Chilgala, was one of merriment and expressing how important and loved the little Josephites are to their teachers and to the school which always remembers to live upto the Jesuit principle of ‘Cura Personalis’ (Care of the whole person).