The Power of Prayer and Gratitude

Secularism is the trellis on which Jesuit education, Jesuit character formation and Jesuit social concerns blossom. Every event at the Institution believes is this aspect of democracy but none better than the Inter-Faith Prayer Service that commences and concludes every academic session at SJBHS.

Held on the 13th of February in the school auditorium, the concluding thanksgiving prayer service was analogous to a garland of neatly woven readings and reflections from the various religious texts interspersed with hymns and bhajans in English, Kannada, and Hindi. Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Sikhism and Buddhism were represented through readings, messages, dress and through the different prayerful postures used during worship. The students in the audience were recipients of diverse cultures, traditions and practices and it can be rightly be said that the solemn atmosphere was like a ‘Prayer – where silence speaks.’

The Principal, Fr Sunil Fernandes SJ, in his message told the students that our experiences are on three levels – The intellectual level, the emotional level, and the affective or spiritual level. It is the third level that transcends barriers. Fr. Sunil said that the Inter-Faith Prayer Services empowers us to know that humanity is the supreme religion that we should practice. All our faiths should lead to our becoming tolerant and peaceful persons.

The Chief Guest, Spiritual Coach Velu Jayaprakash, in a recorded speech, spoke of prayer as a way of life and a way of holistic living. He said that prayer calms the mind, helps to focus, brings peace, and removes negativity. He asked the students to pray for world peace.

The solemn prayer service was a reminder to thank the Almighty for the blessings of the academic year that was ending and to ask for divine blessings on the students studying for the final examination. The short yet profound service resonated in the minds and hearts of the audience, bringing peace, tranquility, and quietude.