The students of Stds 5 & 6 were taken to the Association for People with Disabilities (APD) between the 18th and 22nd of November 2019. Part of the group visited the APD school to interact with students who were differently-abled while others went to the Horticulture centre which is maintained and managed by the association.
As a good-will gesture many students bought a variety of plants and contributed to the cause of reaching out to the people with disabilities. They visited the physiotherapy center and saw the equipment utilized by patients with disabilities, and they were given a chance to empathize with the patients by using walking aids such as the wheelchair, artificial limbs etc.
They were shown videos of the founder of the association and various other APD establishments around Bengaluru.
The Josephites came back enriched with the experience while thanking God profusely for the gift of their limbs.