Welcoming the New Vice Principal: MR BRIAN MCKERTISH

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, has been quoted as saying “Change is the only constant in life” and we tend to believe in that adage. 31 May 2022, the day of the inaugural staff meeting for the academic year 2022-2023, also marked the day for handing over of charge. It was the change of guard at the second most important position in SJBHS!

With the farewell to Mr Uday Kumar on the previous day, the new Vice Principal, Mr Brian McKertish, was welcomed formally by Mr Uday Kumar. He presented him with a school laptop and a pen drive, in keeping with the modern method of transferring information. The installation of the new Vice Principal was accomplished the previous day with the Management doing the honours.

A video presentation on the life and work of the new Vice Principal showcased the dedication and efficiency with which Mr. McKertish functioned as a teacher earlier and later as a coordinator in SJBHS. The new post was a step-up from the job that was already being done at the unit level with immense passion.

The Principal, Fr Sunil Fernandes SJ, put on record the installation of the new Vice Principal, wishing him the very best in his future endeavours. The new Vice Principal, in his speech, thanked the Management, asked for the support and blessings of his colleagues and assured the staff of his whole-hearted involvement in the job entrusted to him.