Motivation to Join the Services

The youth of today are the custodians of our tomorrow. It is in their hands that the country can be alleviated. With all-round education available at SJBHS, it is in the interest of the students that they be exposed to the option of joining the armed forces. In this regard, the air force ‘Motivation Bus’ camped on the school grounds on 1 July 2022, enthused the students of Standards 10 and 12 to consider a possible career in the armed forces.

The ‘Motivation Bus’ showcased an array of items that ranged from: models of fighter jets and air force carriers to the highly specialised G-suits meant for high-altitude flights of the fighter pilots. A flight-simulation station was also accessible. The control panel and the gear mechanism of the simulation station carried the operator into a virtual flight. This experience was not only exhilarating but also surreal. The students were totally enthralled with the gadgets inside the bus.

The entire exhibition of a fighter pilot’s costume, his/her training and contribution to the nation was brought to the fore. This provided our students with loads of motivation and inspiration to fashion a career in the armed forces. It instilled a profound sense of patriotism in our young boys and girls at SJBHS.