Loyola Technology Centre (LTC)

STEM Gets a Push at SJBHS

The Loyola Technology Centre is a partnership between St Joseph’s Boys High School (SJBHS), Learn for Life Foundation (LFL) and Joy Thomas Foundation (JTF) with support from the St Joseph’s Old Boys’ Association (OBA). The vision for the LTC is to engage students and nurture independent thinking, creativity, and innovation so that they become independent, inquisitive, life-long learners and outstanding global citizens.

The LTC programs include the best STEM in-school programs, exploratory projects, and “hands-on” workshops with world-renowned industry-experts during school club hours, after school hours and on weekends. Math Excellence programs are available to students online and on mobile devices. The LTC will also organize industry visits to local organizations and facilitate higher grade student internships and corporate shadowing opportunities for students.

The formal launch of LTC, held on 16 December 2022, was a grand affair and the red carpet and NCC Guard of honour lent solemnity. Our Principal, Fr Sunil Fernandes SJ along with the lead sponsor and co-founder Mr Thomas Thekkethala; STEM Director Joy Thomas Foundation Ms Asha Sundarajan; Vice Principal Mr. Brian McKertish; Primary School Administrator Fr Vishal D’Souza SJ; BJES Secretary and Treasurer Rev Fr Joy Rodrigues SJ; and OBA President Dr Praveen Rodrigues received and escorted the Chief Guest Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka, Shri Thawarchand Gehlot, to the dais.

In his welcome address, Fr Sunil lauded the efforts of Mr Thekkethala (Old Boy of the batch of 1977) in his venture of bringing STEM education to SJBHS. He also encouraged the students to avail of the facilities to further their learning with ‘hands–on’ experiences, as is possible at the LTC.

Mr Thomas, in his address, focussed on STEM as a driver of disruptive innovation and new job opportunities. He mentioned that the pilot LTC programme at SJBHS would be the start of the integration of many centres across the State and beyond to grant opportunities to students in rural India to pursue career opportunities in STEM.

The Hon’ble Governor inaugurated the Centre, digitally. In his address, the Governor congratulated the mentors at LTC and put on record the contribution of the school towards developing young minds. This has not only contributed to the development of the country but also garnered a reputation in the global arena. The Principal presented a memento to the Governor, a gift especially curated for this memorable visit to SJBHS.

The dignitaries visited the Centre after the formal inauguration. The science models on display, the new age equipment and the reference books bore testimony to the fact that the LTC was indeed a Centre for out-of–the-box learning, mental stimulation and inquisitive young innovators and ingenious thinkers!

LINK: https://youtu.be/NSWWCxiSWyQ