Loyola Technology Centre (LTC)

The Mushroom Cultivation Workshop

November 10 th , 2022
Keynote and participation The mushroom cultivation workshop by Nuvedo Labs was held on 10th November, 2022. The guest speakers were the co-founders of Nuvedo labs Mr. Jashid Hameed, Mr. Sreekanth Kaleeswaran, Ms. Prithvi Kini. The students from St. Joseph’s Boys High School, St. Joseph’s School (CBSE) and St. Joseph’s Indian High School participated in this end-to-end, hands-on, cultivation of mushroom program.

Content of the program
The program was enjoyable and enlightening. The themes included:

• The Evolution of Fungi - history and current context
• The role of fungi in the ecosystem
• The life cycle of mushrooms
• The cultivation - strain selection/genetics, biological efficiency, and sustainability.

The workshop
The students were given a theoretical understanding of the world of fungi and were equipped with all they needed to know about cultivating mushrooms. The students also learnt how to create a sustainable & zero-waste ways to cultivate mushrooms at home, which enabled them to turn common household wastes, coffee grounds, mulch, leaf litter, and cardboard into healthy nutritious food.

The students interacted and shared knowledge with each other. The students, working in groups of 3, got to make their own mini mushroom farm which was later stored for observation.

The workshop concluded with students from various schools learning new concepts which set an idea of sustainability running in their minds and will lead to making plans to support the cause in the future society.

Our celebrities
The program was graced by the Provincial Rev Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ, Principal Rev Fr Sunil Fernandes SJ, Administrator Rev Fr Vishal D’Souza SJ, and Finance officer Rev Fr Joy Rodrigues SJ.

Our thanks
We are thankful to the Joy Thomas Foundation and the Learn for Life Foundation for organizing this event at Loyola Technology Center (LTC), St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore.