The Legacy of Leadership

The elaborate and exacting process of elections at SJBHS starts after New Year – in January 2025. The process began with the nominations handed in by the students of Std IX. The portfolio of the student had to be enclosed with the nomination form for scrutiny and verification. Academic calibre, curricular and extra-curricular participation carried weightage. The second round involved staff validation of the candidates whose nomination satisfied all the criterion. Round three was the highlight of the entire process. The students of Std 7,8 and 9 of the four houses emulated the entire voting community of India by casting their ballots in Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) at designated booths – a very first of its kind at the school level. Without doubt, the elections were fair, free and democratic!

The Investiture Ceremony was serene, solemn and sombre. The special assembly began with the Principal, Rev Fr Sunil Fernandes SJ, escorting the Captains and Vice Captains of the four houses to the dais. The list of elected leaders is as follows:


House Captain
Hudhaifah Ahmed Rayadurg
House Vice Captain
Aarav James Lobo


House Captain
Rahul Malhotra
House Vice Captain
Aldrich Pereira


House Captain
Brendan Gabriel Saldanha
House Vice Captain
Akrit Dominic Rodrigues


House Captain
Maan Manish
House Vice Captain
Sumit Kumar Jain

The special attendees were the parents of the Captains and Vice Captains. After the Principal elicited promises from the leaders to carry out their duties to the best of their abilities, he commissioned them as leaders for the academic year 2025-2026. Fr Sunil nominated the following teachers to be House mentors.

House Mentors 2025-2026
St Andrew's
1) Ms Nancy Maria Prakash
2) Mr Chethan

St David's
1) Mr Bharat Lal Poddar
2) Ms Reetha K S

St George's
1) Ms Jacquline Bernard G
2) Ms Khushali Sagar Parekh

St Patrick's
1) Ms Sunitha S
2) Mr Tenzin Dawa

The captains, in their speeches, thanked the Management, staff and fellow house-mates for bestowing on them the honour of service, leadership and trust. The Vice Principal, Mr Brian McKertish, who had animated the entire programme, put on record the contribution of the parents of the newly elected leaders; the mentorship of the teachers for the academic year 2024-2025; and acknowledged the diligence and obligation of Captains and Vice Captains of the academic year 2024-2025.

The legacy of Captaincy was initiated in the year 1928 and is now firmly incorporated in the DNA of the institution. To add to the sense of responsibility and purpose, the newly elected leaders signed the “Book of Fame’ – a reminder of the honour, tenacity and commitment that accompanies the house leadership badge that glittered on the lapels of the blazers of the proud Captains and Vice Captains for the year 2025-2026!