Loyola Technology Centre (LTC)

A New Tech Beginning

A new addition to the robust activities at St Joseph’s Boys’ High School is the Loyola Technology Centre. Sponsored by Thomas Thekkethala (Old Boy – batch of 1977) under the aegis of ‘Learn for life Foundation’, the centre aims to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education.

The LTC is a dynamic space which plans to bring the best in-house programmes and after-school workshops to students. The mission statement of this centre is to develop compassion and social responsibility with independent and inquisitive scientific minds.

The Loyola Technology Centre, was launched at St Joseph’s Boys’ High School on 8 August 2022 with great enthusiasm. The programme, held in the school auditorium, started at 08:30 am with students of Class 9 to 12 as the audience, benefactors and stakeholders of STEM education in SJBHS. The programme began with a prayer followed by a prayer song.

The keynote speakers Mr. Thomas Thekkethala and Mrs. Asha Sunderarajan sharing their ideas about the importance of real-life experiences in innovation, the exposure required to generate drive and curiosity in young minds and the stress on out-of-the-box ideas that are today’s USP’s for a brighter tomorrow.

The Q&A session that followed gave an opportunity to the students to interact with the speakers.
The soft launch, as it was called, was a curtain raiser to the immense possibilities that the LTC could offer to the students who choose to explore, innovate and learn by doing.