OBA Meet Students

ISC Meet Mr Jimmy Anklesaria

Mr. Jimmy Anklesaria is an Old Boy, having passed out of St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School in 1972. A man of many talents, his speech to the ISC students, on 27 August 2022, was filled with words of wisdom. Mr. Jimmy focussed on three main things- Interaction, positive differentiation and the likeability factor.

For his first point, he emphasised the importance of interacting with as many people as one can. He stressed on the importance of listening to people and sharing our own stories with them.

For his second point, he spoke about something he liked to call “positive differentiation”. To positively differentiate is to leave a mark- a good mark- on other people so that they may remember you positively.

The third and last point Mr Jimmy spoke of was a “likeability factor”. To be likeable, one must just be a good person. Being a good person comes above all other things in life.

Mr Jimmy strongly encouraged everyone present in the auditorium to grow into the best versions of themselves.

Truly, his speech was inspiring and filled with wisdom. However, it is not Mr Jimmy’s age that makes his advice valuable, but the place of genuine goodwill that his intentions to deliver such advice, came from.

We, at SJBHS, hope that he will return to inspire many more students hereafter.

Riyah Arshad
12 A