Investiture Ceremony

School Office Bearers

On the 23rd February, 2019, the traditional Investiture Ceremony at SJBHS was performed. It was a solemn annual event to commission a new set of office bearers to be leaders, mentors, comrades and guides to the Josephites during the academic year 2019-2020. As with the democracy of the nation so also it is at SJBHS. With the belief that the captains and vice-captains of the four houses will govern with humility and magnanimity, they are nominated and voted for, after fair and free elections.

The Investiture Ceremony was serene and sombre. The school band welcomed the Principal, the captains and the vice-captains as they made their way to the dais. The school flag was unfurled, the school song was sung with full Josephite fervor while the prayer song and the prayer for blessings called on the Almighty with reverence. Rev. Fr. Clifford Sequeira SJ, Principal, elicited promises from the office bearers, administered the oath and commissioned each captain and vice-captain. After advising the leaders on their positions of responsibility, Fr. Principal congratulated them. The acceptance speech of each leader was testimony to their dedication, humility and desire to lead from the front. The house mentors as well as the parents were called on stage to felicitate the unseen role they play in supporting and guiding the office bearers.

The close of the ceremony was marked the beginning of a new chapter.

  1. Captains

  2. St. Andrew’s House

    Karl Jude

  3. St. David’s House

    Keane Paul

  4. St. George’s House

    Muhammad Rehan

  5. St. Patrick’s House

    Shaun T.

  1. Vice Captains

  2. Vikram Saldanha

  3. Varun Muthappa

  4. Viren Medeira

  5. Ryan G. Arakkal