Infinity 2022

Only One Earth

The SJBHS Middle School Science, Math and Art Fest, Infinity 2022, held on 9 November 2022, showcased prototypes, charts and models that were innovative, creative and pioneering. The Fest was themed 'Only One Earth' and the art work as well as the models were based around preservation, restoration and conservation of Mother Earth.
The students of Classes V and VI exhibited their ideas and participated enthusiastically to bring forth their youthful take on the concept, through static and intricate working models on the various aspects of saving planet Earth. Going with the theme, the prototypes focussed on sustainability, waste management, alternative sources of energy and the adverse effects of pollution. From hydroelectricity to re-forestation, from alternative energy sources to safer and more friendly ecological practises, the science models aroused scientific temper and the need for the younger generation to be well-informed.
The Math models revolved around a play on numbers in all forms, from integers to squares and square roots. The models challenged the best mathematical minds and the mathematical tricks on exhibition wowed the judges.
The art exhibits consisted of collages and portraits, landscapes and representations of ‘Only One Earth’. From the destruction in the form of melting glaciers and earthquakes to restoration in the form of afforestation and use of renewable energy; the art work depicted the decline of the Earth and its renewal, through the eyes of the next generation!
Infinity 2022 was a grand success as it created an avenue to channel the talents of the students of Class V and VI, allowed them to think out-of-the-box and more importantly educated them with their responsibilities as inhabitants of 'Only One Earth'.