ISC Meet Old Boys

ISC with Mr Dilip Da Cunha

Mr Dilip Da Cunha, a person of many talents and achievements, is a part of the Old Boys’ Association of St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School. Mr Dilip calls himself a designer and as an architect his job entails more than just designing buildings.

Along with his visit to the school, he addressed the ISC students on 26 August 2022 In his address, Mr Da Cunha said that architecture is about building the future for the future. It means to take lessons from the past and use them to help people move forward, towards a better and more sustainable lifestyle.

He emphasised on the idea that instead of working against nature, we must work with nature. Nature cannot be controlled and there is no point in attempting to control it. As the human race progresses further, climate change progresses even further, leading to global warming. This is resulting in depletion of our coral reefs and a raise in sea level.

Mr Dilip encouraged us all to think out of the box and instead of looking to control these effects, we must collaboratively work with them.

A valuable piece of advice he left us with is that to solve a problem, we must not approach it with the same thought process that went into creating the problem.

His informative speech was interesting and knowledgeable and it inspired many of us to think more creatively in order to make the world a better place.

Riyah Arshad
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