Grandparents’ Day

A sprinkle of stardust!

To make the grandparents feel loved and special, the teachers of the Pre- Primary department of SJBHS celebrated Grandparents’ Day on February 8, 2023. It was a golden opportunity to the little ones to express their love for their grandparents.

Grandparents are God’s gifts to children. A grandparent’s heart is deeply filled with love and care for their grandchildren. It is not only fun to have them around but also a great experience as they fill our hearts and minds with pearls of wisdom which helps us to become better individuals. No words can describe the feeling of having them around.

The event began with a special welcome song for the grandparents followed by some heart touching quotes by the little LKG boys. To reinforce the fact that age is just a number, a ‘Talent Show’ was organised wherein the grandparent was given a chance to showcase his or her singing skill. The auditorium resonated with the mellifluous voices of the grandparents who sang songs in different languages. We also had a few grandparents who spoke about their life journey from being a parent to a grandparent. Among them, was a student’s grandparents, who, apart from sharing their experiences of being grandparents stressed on the need and importance of teaching Kannada language to the little ones and also spending time with grandchildren especially at a time when both the parents are working.

A few grandparents also expressed their gratitude for making them feel so special and loved. Our Principal, Fr Sunil Fernandes addressed the gathering with his kind words and appreciated the grandparents for all that they do and also for gracing the occasion with their presence. Our Primary School Administrator, Fr Vishal Dsouza and Vice Principal, Mr Brian Mckertish also expressed their heartfelt gratitude. To add to the occasion, we also had with us our former Principals Fr Michael John and Fr Sunith Prabhu also welcomed the gathering whole heartedly and appreciated the grandparents for being like a guiding star to their grandchildren. The atmosphere was made more enjoyable with some fun games and quizzes for the grandparents who were rewarded with a sapling for giving the correct answer.

The programme ended with expressing our deepest gratitude to the grandparents who added more joy and beauty by their presence and whole hearted participation. The happy faces of the grandparents and their grandchildren who stood behind the beautifully adorned photo booths to capture and create memories showed the over whelming joy of the grandparents without whom this event wouldn’t have been a success. The programme certainly brought a feeling that grandparents are indeed the most precious gift of God to the grandchildren!