Mass of the Holy Spirit

Holy Eucharist Std 1- 4

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14

The Mass of the Holy Spirit was celebrated by Fr Ashwin Cordeiro SJ and concelebrated by Fr Sunil Fernandes SJ and Fr Norwin Pereira SJ for the students of standards 1 to 4 on 26th June 2024 in the chapel.

The serenity of the Chapel, the prayerful posture of the students and the rapt attention being paid all told of the presence of the Almighty in our midst.

During the homily, Fr Ashwin made a reference to an egg, mud and salt. He said that when an egg is put in boiling water it hardens. Similarly, if we have Jesus we become strong. Just like mud makes water dirty, bad habits make us dirty. We must have Jesus in our lives at all times and become like the salt of the earth, thus, making life beautiful for all around us. Father also gave the example of a torch saying that when we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we have the light within us and we will never be scared.

The Mass, attended by the little Josephites, was truly a testimony to the faith that they have that the year to come will be blessed by the Almighty, will be translated into greater glory for SJBHS and would manifest in a calm and peaceful life for the students at school and at home.