
High School Science Fest

Eucranium 2018 was held on the 23rd of November, 2018. A ‘robotic’ dance set the tone for this annual science fest. The guests of honour, eminent scientists and people in the field were: Dr. Valarmathi (Deputy Director Payload Data Management and Space Astronomy, ISRO); Mr. Jyothinath Ganguly (Vice President of the OBA); Mr. Thillai Chidambaram (Data Scientist from Bayer Crop Sciences); Mr. Sreenath Regunath (Senior Program Manager, Mercedes Benz); Mrs. Renee D’Souza (retired HOD of the Mathematics Dept. of St. Joseph’s College).
Our Principal, Rev. Fr. Clifford Sequeira SJ in his welcome speech said that in our culture we revere science and science institutions are considered the ‘temples’ of modern India. The science fest of SJBHS promotes rational thought and logical thinking, putting aside cultural differences while focusing on facts. But he warned that science can be a double-edged sword and the onus is on youth to tackle the problems of air pollution, remove toxicity from the water bodies and improve the quality of life. He urged them to use education to make a difference.
The eminent panelists highlighted the importance of reaching society through innovation, using natural resources efficiently and making the world a better place.
The fest generated a lot of participation, enthusiasm and enjoyment as there were events for every student of the high school of SJBHS ranging from ‘Haywire’, the model competition, to ‘Say Watt’, ‘Vertigo’, ‘Brain Strain’ and ‘Vertigo’ to name but a few. The models on display brought to life the generation of hydroelectricity, the complex world of robots, a peek into the working of the body’s defense mechanism, the derivation of formulae in algebra and the manufacture of soap – all under one roof. The treasure hunt drove the participants in circles trying to unravel the cryptic clues while the quiz competition picked the brains of the scientifically challenged. All in all it was an exciting and educational experience.