Competition and Camraderie!

“In the heart of chaos, competition sharpens our resolve; camaraderie strengthens our spirit; and together we rise to success; forging order from the storm.”

St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School proudly orchestrated the 8th edition of its trailblazing Commerce Fest ‘Bifrost’, on the 23rd and 24th of August 2024. With 9 dynamic events, 23 delegations in attendance from 17 schools and over 500 participants, this edition of the fest marked record breaking participation and truly made an indelible mark for itself.

The theme of the fest for this year was ‘Chambers of Chaos,’ a testament to the intricacies of business, industry and commerce and the environment surrounding them. As participants navigated the real-world avenues of finance, economics, entrepreneurship, and business ethics, they were left with a myriad of memories and a clearer understanding of the business world.

Encompassing the themes of chaos and good-spirited competition alike, Bifrost 2024 was characterized by excitement and gaiety in every heart over the course of these two days. Acknowledging the successful conduction of Bifrost would truly be incomplete without recognizing the dedicated efforts of all the students, teachers and support staff who worked tirelessly to turn the vision of the fest into a reality over the course of five months. Whether that be through beautiful décor assemblages or meticulously coordinated logistics, every student’s hard work behind the scenes culminated in the success of the fest.

Christ Junior College bagged the Best Institution award at Bifrost 2024, with the highest tally of placements across all categories. As the final curtain drew on the closing ceremony and the last strains of fervent clapping trailed away, the auditorium remained abuzz with excited whispers and lively smiles. The memories made and shared at Bifrost 2024 will remain etched in our hearts forever, as we eagerly await hosting the next edition of this exemplary event.

Aadya Thakur
12 B