Children’s Day Celebrations 2022

Celebrating the Child in All of Us

"A child can always teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be curious and to fight tirelessly for something."
Paulo Coelho

Children’s Day is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. At SJBHS, Children’s Day is celebrated but with a marked difference. A week prior to 14 November, the Pre-Primary and Primary section start with their children’s fest, Chilgala. The stage is then set to reverse the proceedings of the entire year!

Through the year it is the students’ talents, achievements and accomplishments that are on display. On Children’s Day it is the teachers that take centre stage and the students who are entertained, sit back, relax and enjoy their day.
The school environment was radiant with the smiling students, the underlying excitement of the day and the exuberance of the grand makeshift stage.
The assembly commenced with the unfurling of the school flag, the singing of the school song and the prayer asking the Almighty for his graces on children not only of the school but of the entire country. After the prayer, the Principal, Rev Fr Sunil Fernandes SJ, wished the students on their special day. The events that followed were engraved in the students’ minds and would be there for a long time to come. Their teachers had elevated their day!

From the songs to dances, from fashion shows to skits and from fun and frolic to more fun and frolic; the students got a taste of an entertainment quotient par excellence. The programme came to an end with the students a happy lot, the teachers well assured that their practises were not in vain and the belief that the students as well as the teachers were still children in their rightful way.