Annual Athletic Meet 2024

Sporting Memories!

It is a universally acknowledged fact that Sports’ Day at St Joseph’s Boys’ High School is the big-ticket event! Current students and athletes, as well as Old Boys, descend on the school grounds to cheer their houses and join in the general excitement.

This year too, the inclement weather was no barrier to the good times held on August 31, 2024. As the contingents of the four houses took their places and the SJBHS band geared up for their best performance, the Principal Rev Fr. Sunil Fernandes SJ, along with the Vice Principal, Mr. Brian Mckertish and Primary School Administrator Fr Norwin Pereira SJ escorted the Chief Guest Mr Vinay Basavaraj, Old Boy batch of 1999; the members of the OBA and the PTA; through the ceremonial guard of honour, and into the VIP enclosure. The Chief Guest unfurled the school flag after which the Principal welcomed the gathering and advised the athletes to give of their finest, to adhere to the spirit of sportsmanship, and to make memories that would last a life time!

Mr Vinay, in his address, advised the students to surround themselves with positivity; to follow their passion and to recognise their potential to change the world. The students listened carefully to his advice!

The Sports Meet was declared Open with a pair of turtle doves being released. The birds soared gleefully into the air symbolic of the Josephite spirit of ‘faith and toil’ that enables the students to scale great heights. The torch bearers, boys who has superseded their peers in track and field events, basked in glory as they carried the flame to light the cauldron. The Oath taking ceremony re-affirmed the spirit of competition, the spirit of loyalty, and the spirit of athletic proficiency that pervaded the games!

The races began amid cheers from the students of the four houses as they applauded their team mates to the finish line!

The closing ceremony commenced with the traditional club swinging display. The display was flawless athough there was a swing in tradition this year. Girls were part of the contingent! The wooden clubs, decorated in blue and white, swung in precision, rhythm, and grace to mimic the club swingers of ‘the thousands gone before’.

The Chief Guest for the closing ceremony was a Josephite of world-wide fame, a person who took innovation, fervour and passion to new heights and whose career impacted the tech, education, and media industry.

Mr Sabeer Bhatia graced the event of his alma mater. In his address to the students, he advised them to think differently, give of their best and to keep the body engaged in physical activities. ‘We go out there not to win but to give our best and may the best win!’ These words of the man himself would resonate in the minds of the audience!

The prize distribution ceremony that followed recognised the athletic achievers, gave an impetus for them to touch greater heights, and encouraged the not so lucky ones to work harder! The athletes had their moment on the field and would treasure the day for posterity.