"The task of art today is to bring chaos into order" - Theodor W. Adorno
Welcome to Pandemonium, the flagship event of BIFROST 2023.This event will push your creativity and perceptions to its breaking point as every move you make will affect your future. To rise above the rest, you will have to be the most intelligent, quickest and at times the most conniving person in the room! In the modern world of commerce, companies that have embraced divergent destinies have demonstrated remarkable success. By daring to be different, they have disrupted industries, challenged conventional norms, and introduced ground-breaking products and services. These trailblazers have proved that success can be achieved by following one's own vision rather than conforming to preconceived notions of what a business should be. Do you have what it takes to emerge victoriously from the chaos or will you burn in Flames?

ENCUENTRO - Public Relations and Human Resources Event

“You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to" ~Pink Floyd PR is not just public relations but also performance recognition. Your job is to ensure harmony within and reputation beyond. Will you be able to immerse yourself in the relentless pursuit of excellence as you navigate through a series of challenging rounds, each designed to test your resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving prowess? This event is all about holding onto your inner calm amidst the chaos and corruption of the corporate world. Can you use your artful creativity and lexical skills to worm yourself out of the stickiest situations while the whole world is watching you, ready to judge your every move? Definitely not an event for the faint hearted but for those with the sharpest minds and calmest souls, the sky is your limit! Are you ready to embrace the spotlight, even if it means subjecting your actions and personality to scrutiny? We welcome you to BIFROST’S very own public relation and human resource event -ENCUENTRO

EXCELCIUS - Marketing Event

“You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to" ~Pink Floyd PR is not just public relations but also performance recognition. Your job is to ensure harmony within and reputation beyond. Will you be able to immerse yourself in the relentless pursuit of excellence as you navigate through a series of challenging rounds, each designed to test your resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving prowess? This event is all about holding onto your inner calm amidst the chaos and corruption of the corporate world. Can you use your artful creativity and lexical skills to worm yourself out of the stickiest situations while the whole world is watching you, ready to judge your every move? Definitely not an event for the faint hearted but for those with the sharpest minds and calmest souls, the sky is your limit! Are you ready to embrace the spotlight, even if it means subjecting your actions and personality to scrutiny? We welcome you to BIFROST’S very own public relation and human resource event -ENCUENTRO


“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” ― William Shakespeare
How well can you perform under pressure? How well can you handle a crisis? An all-rounder event which evaluates an individual's marketing, public relations, and financial crisis management skills. The aim of which is to see how an individual performs under stress. To be the Best Manager you will be required to excel in all areas of business, The event will give you a perfect idea of how you would fit in this fast-moving business world. The obstacles that are thrown your way will be some of the toughest ever, but the reward is nothing short off fruitful.

NOVUS - Product Launch Event

“The future is built on the flow of new ideas” - Paul Meyer
We bring you innovation at its finest! Leading minds presenting their ground-breaking ideas; From cutting-edge technology to revolutionary solutions, this is NOVUS- the product launch event. This competition showcases the very best of human ingenuity. A fierce competition paired with a panel of esteemed judges; this is a platform where game-changers are born. The story behind this remarkable product is one of vision and determination. The journey that led to its creation is marked by the collaboration of brilliant minds, driven by a shared commitment to making a difference in the lives of our consumers. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare to be amazed as you embark on a journey of discovery, imagination, and limitless possibilities.

ASTRAEUS - Hotel Management Event

“Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat.” - Steve Jobs
This creative extravaganza is crafted to bring together thought leaders, and aspiring hoteliers for a dynamic exchange of ideas, knowledge, and best practices. Immerse into the area of the hospitality industry and join the thrilling journey into the depths of the industry overseeing the operations of a hotel, to provide innovative ideas and solutions. Do you have what it takes to be responsible for managing the operations of an establishment that provides lodging and other services for guests? Whether you are an aspiring hotelier, or a passionate hospitality enthusiast, this event promises to ignite your imagination, fuel your passion, and propel your career to new heights. Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity to be part of a movement that will shape the future of hotel management.

ZERO HOUR - Crisis Management Event

“Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of success.” - Arianna Huffington
In the world of increasing uncertainty and volatility, brace yourself for an immersive experience that tests your mettle in navigating the scandals and curveballs of the commerce world. Through these unknown dilemmas and crucial moments, can you make decisions and remain the protagonist? Are you capable of unraveling enigmatic challenges, bridging the gaps, and emerging triumphant in the realm of extremities? Think on your feet to save your empire from all the possible conjunctures and remember that every decision has its own consequences. Get ready to dive into turbulent waters with resilience, innovation, and unwavering leadership.

CANCEL SIMULATOR - Influencer Event

Step into the realm of influence at Cancel Stimulator, a ground-breaking event that awaits to unravel the power of control in the world of commerce. Buckle up and be ready to be the image in the public eye. Stress, Confusion, Chaos and an unfathomable degree of tension as you face the outside world, and strive to keep your image high.
It is your task to summon every ounce of your being to defend yourself while facing pivotal questions, knowing that the very existence of your empire hangs in the balance of suffering and impending doom. Wear the shoes of a content creator in today's world and face the challenges go with it. Emotions run at an all-time high and you must be ready to face the accusations of public opinion with your unwavering shield. Will you be able to defend your questionable actions and remain in the good books of the public?

CARPE DIEM - Finance Event

The world of commerce and finance is constantly changing, and staying ahead is the key to success. CARPE DIEM provides a platform to explore future trends, regulatory shifts, and disruptive forces that will shape the finance industry. Prepare yourself for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, equipped with the knowledge and insights gained from this enriching event. Unfold your knowledge of financial analysis, risk management, and investment principles to make informed trading decisions in the fast-paced world of finance. Your financial skills will lead your team to the ultimate goal. Will you be able to face the challenge and be a jack of all trades? Don't miss this incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of finance at CARPE DIEM.

Best Manager



Flagship Event


Public relations and human resource


Marketing Event


Product Launch


Hotel Management


Crisis Management


Influencer event


Finance event