Our fests embody the Jesuit philosophy of ‘Fide Et Labore’ in every aspect of their entity. Commended for its quintessential place in both academics and extracurricular activities for 165 renowned years, this institution encompasses versatility and surges ahead in every possible direction, be it conceptual or competitive. In the finest fest of Bengaluru, Transcendence, we manifest this versatility better than ever before!
We are elated to announce the commencement of one such fest. The eighth edition of the trailblazing and treasured Science and Technology International Fest, Transcendence has finally arrived.
Transcendence is a soul-igniting fest, from the sensations of the physical world to the thrills of victory in the virtual world. Unlocking the door to boundless possibilities, it beckons you to rise above limitations and embrace the boundless horizon of your potential.So for whatever challenges you seek, transcendence is the burning key.
If you’re here, then you are among the few who have already ignited all constraints that hold you down and have risen above. This fest is now your Mount Olympus to claim. To achieve that ever-present glory beyond this insignificant being. Are you a rare phoenix who can rise to the occasion while igniting the fragile glass ceiling and leaving it behind in shards? We think you have what it takes.
You are the pioneer of tomorrow, and you rightly belong here!
So what are you waiting for?
Transcendence 2024 is the place to be!
28 & 29 JUNE